Ain't no mountain
All things bright and beautiful
Amazing grace
Can you feel it
Can you feel the love tonight
Deeper than
For the rest of my life
Funky Goodbye
God will make a way
Good news
Hallelujah (L.Cohen)
Halte mich
Heavenly peace
Help me Lord
I give you my heart
Irische Segenswünsche (Möge die Straße...)
It is I
I will follow him
May the Lord send angels
Nobody like Jesus
Oh happy day
Once more (Miriam Schäfer)
Same great power
Sana Sananina
Siya hamba
The Rose
Teardrops (H.-C.Jochimsen)
Thy will be done
We are the world
Welcome Home (H.-C.Jochimsen)
Yes, Yes
You are holy